No More Coals From Newcastle: Test Dept At AV Festival
Luke Turner travels to the AV Festival in Newcastle and sees Test Dept make a powerful, moving statement about the end of the coal industry and Miners' Strike with a gigantic installation at Dunston Staiths on the River Tyne.
"It's one of the most emotionally draining and inspiring pieces of political art or music I've ever witnessed."
The Quietus - Review of DS30 at AV festival
AV Festival - Striking audience response for Test Dept DS30
Other Press
- The Wire - AV Festival/DS30 Review
incorporating Alan Sutcliffe interview on DS30 boat
North East Film Archive - March Review
FT Art Review - AV Festival Report
The Guardian - The miners' strike: digging into the past with Bill Morrison and AV festival
The Quietus - Test Dept On AV Festival & Remembering The Miners' Strike
NEFA - DS30 : Requiem for Industrial Britain
Paul Jamrozy - Guest Pick '1984 Miner's Strike at Easington Colliery' for North East Film Archive
NARC cover
Narc preview of DS30"
Photo: Colin Davison